We can miss them as they were, love them as they are, and inspire hope for the future. -Dr. Baranski

Dear Loved One of the Slowly Departing

This workbook is for anyone who loves someone who has been given a life-changing diagnosis of dementia.

In this workbook, you will redefine loss and grief to help you understand your experiences during this uncertain time. You will go through a series of worksheets to help you discover how to define, grieve, plan, hope, and move forward each day.

Other Resources

  • Loving Someone Who Has Dementia:

    A book by Dr. Pauline Boss- Loving Someone Who Has Dementia: How to Find Hope while Coping with Stress and Grief

  • Alzheimer's Association

    Help and Support page. Browse helpful information and resources for those living with or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or other dementias.

  • For Educators

    MSW Toolbox is a place where educators can exchange information.